Whirlpool Fridge Continuous Loud Popping Noise
What does one do when the refrigerator makes loud popping noise? I have the answers for you.
Like most people in their twenties, I live alone in my single-storey apartment with a small bedroom and a little kitchen to go along with it.
About a week ago out of nowhere, I heard a strange popping noise. I decided to write a post here on fridge info to help people out.
This really scared me.
It was the dead of the night and I wasn't really expecting something of the sort. It wasn't another 15 minutes later when I heard another popping sound when I realized it was coming from my refrigerator. After breathing a sigh of relief I realized I needed to get up and investigate what was going on with it.
So I got up from my chair and PC and went to investigate the refrigerator.
The refrigerator was fairly new. I wondered why it was making these noises. After an exhausting and honestly pointless investigation, I realized I had no idea what was going on with it. And I mean to be very honest, it wasn't like I was some kind of an expert I had no idea how refrigerators work at all! What does one do when the refrigerator makes loud popping noise?
To be very honest, I thought that it was just making some normal refrigerator sounds so I sat back down and continued working, however after some time I heard a loud popping noise AGAIN.
This had me wondering, did I need to call a specialist? Or was this something that I could handle by myself?
Because I had no idea what to do I resorted to asking the internet for help and did my research.
Turns out a lot of people were having the same problem as me and there wasn't a lot of information on the internet. This had me thinking, the internet definitely needed an article for students and 20 somethings like me who had no idea how to work a refrigerator.
Here are some answers to the commonly asked questions about popping and various sounds made by refrigerators.
The refrigerator makes loud popping noise: What causes it?
It turns out that all refrigerators make sounds often enough. The normal workings of a refrigerator often result in various sounds, sometimes it can sound like a buzzing, and sometimes you can even hear a distinct popping sound.
Usually, a refrigerator making a popping sound is no cause for concern.
However, if your refrigerator keeps making noises at irregular intervals and you find them disturbing it may be time to have the refrigerator checked out by a specialist.
If you want to troubleshoot the refrigerator by yourself try measuring the number of pops that you can hear with a timer. If the pops coincide with the refrigerator system turning on and off then chances are you don't have a problem.
If you want to troubleshoot your refrigerator and have an inclination that some portion or some part of your refrigerator is malfunctioning then try listening to your refrigerator and see how many pops you can hear during the day.
If you hear more than 4 pops at equal intervals during the day then chances are the defrost heater is turning on and off.
This is a normal sound and hence, no cause for concern.
Refrigerators making popping sound: The normal sounds a fridge makes:
New refrigerators are better optimized and have better compressors and hence are able to regulate the temperature in a more efficient way.
However, if your refrigerator is old then chances are it will make more noise. New refrigerator compressors use less energy and hence they make less noise.
Some common noises which might sound like popping or can be described that way include an odd vibrating noise.
The cause of this noise is usually the fact that the refrigerator is not exactly on the floor. What you can do is that you can adjust the legs of the fridge and level it so that the refrigerator is on the floor of your room and does not make popping noises every time it hits the floor.
Often enough people also confuse popping noises with clicking noises that come from the normal working of the refrigerator.
This usually happens when the water inlet valve opens and sends water into the ice maker so that it can be filled up. This is generally a normal sound however if you hear this sound and your refrigerator is not connected to the waterline then you need to turn the ice maker off.
People also complain about rattling noises which usually come from the waterline moving against the refrigerator or when there are items on the refrigerator.
The sound can easily be taken care of by removing this object from the top of the refrigerator for making sure that the refrigerator is not directly touching a wall. So if your freezer is making a popping noise, chances are it's nothing to worry about.
The refrigerator makes loud popping noise: What is causing these sounds?
If you hear a refrigerator making popping noises then chances are it is mainly caused because of the parts of the refrigerator expanding and contracting according to the temperature.
Another reason why your refrigerator is making a popping noise is probably that the refrigerators ice maker is dumping ice and the harvest cycle is restarting. The refrigerator also makes a popping noise when a defrost timer turns on or off. The defrost timer can make a popping or a clicking noise.
Sometimes a refrigerator also makes a popping noise because the refrigerant in your refrigerator is circulating this can also be heard as a kind of knocking or popping.
The refrigerator might also make a popping sound when you remove a cup or a glass from the water dispenser. This usually happens when the dispenser closes.
Conclusion: Should I be worried if the refrigerator makes loud popping noise?
My research has told me that there is no need to worry about a popping noise coming from your refrigerator. However, it is important to understand that if you are hearing irregular noises coming from your refrigerator then you should probably contact a specialist.
And so, as an overview let us discuss the most commonly asked questions on the Internet about refrigerators and the noises that they commonly make. If you're looking for a french door refrigerator check out one of our articles.
Q1. How do you fix a popping noise coming from your refrigerator?
The answer is quite simple, figure out why you are hearing a popping noise in the first place.
As mentioned in the article if you are hearing popping noises at regular intervals then chances are these are being caused by the parts of your refrigerator contracting and expanding according to the temperature they are subjected to.
However, if the noises are irregular then you need to call a specialist.
Q2. How can I fix a Whirlpool refrigerator that is making a loud noise?
As mentioned in the article, if you have a newer model then you should not be hearing any loud noises.
However, if you have an old Whirlpool refrigerator you might hear the old compressor make more sounds, usually, noises are a part of the fridges working, but if something sounds extremely irregular, you should contact a specialist to come in and fix it for you.
Q3. How do I keep my refrigerator from making humming noises?
Humming noises are often caused by the fan for the compressor turning on and off. If the humming noises have become common then chances are that the fan needs to be changed. For this purpose, you will need to call a specialist.
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- The refrigerator makes loud popping noise: What causes it?
- Refrigerators making popping sound: The normal sounds a fridge makes:
- Some common noises which might sound like popping or can be described that way include an odd vibrating noise.
- Often enough people also confuse popping noises with clicking noises that come from the normal working of the refrigerator.
- People also complain about rattling noises which usually come from the waterline moving against the refrigerator or when there are items on the refrigerator.
- The refrigerator makes loud popping noise: What is causing these sounds?
- Conclusion: Should I be worried if the refrigerator makes loud popping noise?
- Q1. How do you fix a popping noise coming from your refrigerator?
- Q2. How can I fix a Whirlpool refrigerator that is making a loud noise?
- Q3. How do I keep my refrigerator from making humming noises?
Source: https://fridgeinfo.com/refrigerator-makes-loud-popping-noise/
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